EDIT: Ive noticed once i redownloaded to play with this that some things did not turn out right? Some issue i have overlooked, i have redone the castles as well as put in Grey, Bishop and Queen, they are not avaliable in 1.2 but i have also put in the 1.2 Gamerules.dat file which changes the AI behaviour so you can have a similar experience in Steam version of the game, just don't use this in multiplayer, or if you do make sure all players have same gamerules.dat file as in zip.
So this is going to be a bit strange of an upload. Ive known for quite some time that pre deluxe version of the game has some drastic difference in both of terms of Visuals, AI, Game functions, Balance [stone inflation]. Some things broken in later version, some fixed. Admiteddly i wanted to see what was the DEFINITIVE edition of this game, sadly as i play trough the patches i am seeing this is an impossible task as each version of the game has its own quirks [battle music for Kingmaker is broken in 1.2 but not 1.0] Even so i think 1.2 is decent enough to be played while on its own, being more stable to 1.0, while not having changes Deluxe or Steam release brought.
To make playing 1.2 bit smoother i have edited the AI castles as some like Hawk and King, can't attack, so i pre built some Polunters, and i have given them dovecoats because ill be honest, even with the superior AI they are not that strong. Most castles are relatively unchanged. Fixed engineer guild, placed Market inside of the walls, just so the castles are actual castles.
I have partially made this separate pack due to AI here using Crime buildings. I have another pack i am working on for the Steam release that fills out up to 4 castles for every AI as well as sorting out same issues these ones had, but i am still working on that.
So if anyone has this weird obsession with old versions of the game well, this might make the journey bit better.
Thank you for uploading. I appreciate the fixes :)
I noticed that Lady Seren still builds her Market outside of her Castle. Is this intentional?
[Edited by Lord_Chris on 17th Aug 2024 12:32:11]
OH it had to be approved thats why i could not find it later.
Yes i believe i had intentinally made it outside due to mercenary post being outside already so marketplace outside would not bother me. This was made based of 1.0 castles with fixes to make them work better and is really only meant for use on 1.2 version of the game due to AI's use of Dungeon and such, its why there is no Queen, Bishop and Sir Grey since to my knowledge their code has been added to 1.3 [although they do have audio files in these older versions] So for Steam version its kind of useless unless you use Old Game Rules.dat [which i thought i put in the zip but i guess not] I might do another that provides both that file plus edits of other 3's castles so they can use the dungeon since fighting AI that actually plays by the same rules as you is nice.
Hello Chris hope this pings you, i am trying to replace the original file since i noticed one of the castles still was a bit broken, but it is not letting me upload the new zip i created and its only giving me a 'mime does not match' error. Actually i have no idea how to contact you so... hope you see this?
Hi Alfred, thanks for letting me know.
Do you want to go ahead and send me the new file by PM and I will try to update this myself?
This was an error caused by certain types of zipping software so before you do so first maybe please try to zip the file in its most native form, ie with Windows File Explorer.
Let me know how you get on and you can PM me if you need to. Click on my profile or head to the upper right sidebar and select private messages to start a new conversation. That is probably better for discussions like these :)
[Edited by Lord_Chris on 2nd Mar 2025 18:50:07]