Last Stand

29th Oct 2023
Stronghold Crusader
Very Hard
No of Players:
Map Size:
File Size:
356.31 kB
Made With:
v1.41 HD
1st Apr 2024 14:25
Updated by:

By Korsfarer Mogens

This scenario will give you the opportunity to win a US$ 50.00 giftcard from Steam or GOG! Read more further down!

Attention: The competition has ended, but if you upload a solution, please let me know, and I'll post the link, and you'll get an honorary mention here. Only the first to solve will get that mention.

The scenario - "Last Stand" - is a puzzle scenario. It means there's probably only one way to solve it, but we'll see about that! It's mainly an eco-scenario, but with a significant invasion at the end. To win, you'll have to be patient, be able to think "outside the box", have a good understanding of Stronghold Crusader economics, and be able to attract the right troops. If you can do that, you should have a good chance of solving the scenario, but without, you probably haven't.

2024.02.07 Correction! I found another way to deal with the invasion, so there's 2 solutions* to the scenario. *Not entirely distinct solutions, but close. Like a tree trunk that splits into 2 great branches that goes to the top!

You can have UCP (Unofficial Crusader Patch) installed when playing this scenario. Ofcourse, you can't use any cheats, but if you can find exploits you think will help you, be my guest!
How to win the price:

  • You download and install the scenario

  • You record your win (from loading the scenario, to the victory screen - both included) in at least 720p and at any game speed you prefer

  • You upload your recording of the win on any video site (like Youtube and Rumble) that lets visitors view the recording for free (ads allowed). You don't have to (and probably shouldn't) publish the video until approved. When approved you will have to publish the video

  • You write an e-mail to stating you have won the scenario, and supply a link to the abovementioned video (only the first e-mail with a link to a recording that is approved will win the price), and provide your user name on either Steam or GOG (your choice) so the price can be transferred to your account

You will receive a mail stating your win, and your win will be published in the comments below, and maybe elsewhere!