After the recapture of jerusalem Emperor fredrick III sets his way towards jerusalem but the local emir knows about their location and plans to assasinate them before reaching to jerusalem.
left with no choice king fredrick stops at a hot desert with very little oasis to grow food on and with almost no stone & iron but he discovers a huge amount of oil "pitch" in the nearby river.
Goals : 5000 Gold (&) 120 pitch
Hint : there is a wall protecting your castle
hint 2 : dont make 2 keeps cause there is assasins attacking because if you make 2 keeps there will be assasins attacking from both sides making controling them 2x hard
hint 3 : you can only make low walls not normal walls and crusader troops not arabian
tell me if you see a bug or any problems or if you want something to be changed i will read them all and enjoy! :)