This is a mod that changes the contents of the file found in 'assets.v' after you unarchive it. I made general tweeks to building and unit costs since in the original game I thought some were too expensive. For example, the Mill costs 75 wood instead of 200 and building a strong wall costs 3 stone instead of 7. Reducing the cost of some buildings will make it faster to finish building your castle since I always thought it took too long to finish due to the buildings being expensive.
I also changed the stats for troops. I made arabian archers and horse archers slightly stronger. Made crossbowmen slightly weaker with their armor since I thought they were too OP. (A small group can take out many archers on the walls/towers) Increased ballistae and mangonel damage.
I updated the AI attack tactics as well. Before the AI was very harassment focused meaning the siege armies were too small but their forces to harass your castle were big. I changed the attack behavior so harassment groups are smaller and their sieges bigger. This may make the game more difficult as AI lords such as the Shah will now attack with a force of dozens of archers/arabian swordsmen.
I changed some of the behavior around who the AI attacks to resemble the original Stronghold Crusader. The Pig will attack the lord with the most Gold, the Rat attacks the human player always, the Caliph the weakest, etc.
How to upload:
Go to the directory where the assets.v file is found. If game is on Steam, then the path will look like:
Steam\steamapps\common\Stronghold Crusader 2\assets
Make a backup copy of the original assets.v file already there. This is very important in case something goes wrong. I called mine assets_original.v
Place my assets.v file and run the game :)
Hope you enjoy!
Note: This assets.v file should work with version 1.0.22794 of the game which is the latest version on Steam as of this post.
03/06/2023 Update: After playing some skirmish matches, I made some more changes such as getting more gold from selling iron and stone. In the market, the sell/buy ratio is the same as Stronghold 2 which should help with setting an economy quicker. Wood huts now cost 5 wood and hovels are slightly cheaper too. For AI, increased invading army size slightly. Weapon smiths bring in 3 armour, 3 spears and the rest 2. Buying and selling weapons have the same price/cost as Stronghold 2.
Thanks for the file! Really nice!
[Edited by Lord_Chris on 5th Mar 2023 12:45:31]