This will update the game to version 1.1a. You will then be able to install version 1.2.
- Capture the Flag and Economic War icons removed from Custom Skirmish
- Options tabs appear to be selectable even though they are unusable
- At some resolutions the player looses the ability to see and select some user created maps
- The player is unable to order the dragon to attack structures
- Units on top of gatehouses do not take damage when the gatehouse is destroyed
- The title for user maps is always "Enter the Dragon"
- Previously selected troops will remain selected after clicking on a building
- The single building sleep button does not stop the building working
- In some formations troops will move twice as fast when the user double clicks the right mouse button
- In resolutions other than 1024x768 users are unable to see all save games in the load window
- In resolutions other than 1024x768 not all maps are shown in custom skirmish and multiplayer lobbies
- Mission Tutorial information can sometimes scroll slowly
- In high resolutions on widescreen mouse selection cursor becomes inaccurate
- Map transfer system implemented
- Wood symbol appears when the carter horse is attacked and killed whist carrying weapons
- The stone from the lookout tower smashes and then floats downwards slowly
- Units can climb terrain that they should not be able to climb
- In the map editor the user can place water under units
- Mouse control is lost when user goes into QuickLook, then alt-tabs out to the main menu, then re-enters the game
- Troops walk over armoury when embedded in wall
- User is able to adjust the difficulty level mid-game when difficulty is pre-set
- When clicking on a peasant that says "Do you ever get that feeling of de ja vu?" there is no audio