Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Stronghold 2 Information
  • 2 mins

By Lord_Chris

Below is a list of all the working keyboard shortcuts in Stronghold 2. There may be more, but only these are proven to work.

Shortcut Explanation
+ or - This will increase or decrease the game speed. The default is 35.
p This will pause the game.
W, S, A, D Allows you to scroll around the map asyou would do with the mouse. You can also do this with the arrow keys as well.
Spacebar This will put the game in Architect View. To return the game to normal view press the spacebar again.
R, F Zoom in and out by using these. You can also use the mouse wheel for the same job.
Q, E This will rotate the map left or right.
R Once you are placing a building, you can press R to rotate which way the building will face. The same will also happen if you scroll with the mouse wheel.
Tab This will remove all the ingame menus to see the map more clearly. To restore them, press Tab again.
G This will automatically select the Granary. Pressing the key for a second time will center on the building.
K This will center on your Keep.
L This will center on your Lord.
T This will select the Treasury. Pressing the key for a second time will center on the building.
O This will select the Monastery. Pressing the key for a second time will center on the building.
N This will select the Mercenary Post. Pressing the key for a second time will center on the building.
M This will select the Market if you have it built. Pressing the key a second time will center on the building.
J This will cycle through your Siege Camps.
SHIFT and L This will cycle through all opponents in the game.
Double click one unit This will select all units of that type on the screen.
CTRL and 0-9 To do this, you must have some units selected. By pressing Control and a number between 0 and 9, you will group the troops selected in that number group. You can change the group by simply doing this again.
Number between 0 and 9 This will select any troops in that group, providing you have created that group (see above).
Enter (multiplayer only) This will allow you to talk with your opponents. You press enter again to send your message.
F1 - F12 (multiplayer only) Will send an insult to you enemy.