Stronghold 3 Patch Notes
- Stronghold 3 Information
- 8 mins
Stronghold 3 has seen numerous official patches during its active support time. For archival purposes, a collection of patch notes can be read below, detailing most applicable changes.
Note: some of the original note entries have been reworded and/or added extra clarification info. A list of the official patch notes can be found here.
Patch 2011-11-03:
- Game speed added - controllable via Numpad +/-
- Buildings can now be placed on top of workers and animals. The game will move the workers or animals out of the way
- Map Editor added to the Steam Interface: View -> Tools -> Stronghold 3 - Map Editor
- Extra large map size added to the Map Editor
- New Freebuild map: Abandoned Lands
- Mouse cursor handling / interaction improved
- Military units will always scan for new targets after the last one has moved out of range or died
- Archers and Rangers can attack walls and buildings
- Wolves can no longer climb ladders
- Siege equipment can no longer climb walls / towers
- Resolution change no longer incurs a crash
- Peasants return to the population properly when unassigned from a stone quarry / iron mine
- The tutorial can properly be resumed or quit.
- Cleared up some pathfinding issues Tower of London map
- Peace time from multiplayer games no longer carries on to single player games
- Hostile animals respond to missile fire
- French keyboard layout (AZERTY) handling fixed
Patch 2011-11-11:
- Snap wall placement added - holding Ctrl allows extending walls in a straight line, or perpendicularly
- Support for Windows left-handed mouse handling added
- Camera no longer goes below sea level
- Villagers occasionally visit the Inn
- Trebuchet re-added to War Mission 11 (A Glimmer of Hope)
- Units are no longer stuck in T-Pose upon loading a map (applies to Engineers too upon engine placement)
- Troops no longer walk through walls
- Men-at-arms no longer throw spears through walls, when engaging a target behind a wall
- Ranged units no longer get stuck twitching / losing aggro after a target moves out of line of sight
- Ranged units no longer try to melee targets that are initially out of line of sight
- Chandler's Workshop can be turned off
- Peasant models no longer appear permanently attached to mines/quarries/farms and units
- Trebuchets pack and unpack properly
- Units no longer appear as if they belonged to the neutral team after load
- Camera hotkeys correctly select their targets
- Shadows no longer show open buildings
- Waterfalls no longer duplicate in the Map Editor after save & reload
- RU, PL & CZ localisations no longer get cut off on buttons
Patch 1.4.24706 (released 2011-11-18):
- Added 3 difficulty levels - Easy, Normal, Hard. This affects food consumption rates and troop numbers
- Added King of the Hill multiplayer mode
- Added 45° rotation to buildings (applicable by pressing Ctrl and scrolling with the mouse wheel)
- Animals no longer count as enemies
- Sound cache system memory footprint reduced
- Pathfinding on repaired walls fixed
- Repaired walls appear correctly after reloading a save
Patch 1.5.24824 (released 2011-11-25):
- Added minimap and warning notifications
- Added an indicator to show the Keep's relative location, when it is not on screen
- Added selectable building and troop limits to Multiplayer
- Defensive bonus on walls and towers increased
- Troop aggressive stance attack range doubled
- Improved unit control when disengaging from combat
- Game loads in the proper resolution
- Units no longer change stance when moved
- Multiplayer games go out-of-sync less
Patch 1.6.24988 (released 2011-12-02):
- Added control panel to Freebuild mode with the following options: Launch Invasion, Give Gold, Set Difficulty, Set Random Events
- New Freebuild map: Threefish River
- Added the "N" hotkey, jumping to notifications when pressed
- Stairs and wall attachments can be slided along wall edges
- Delete and Repair requires a mouse click
- The Lord no longer contributes to the total population
- Troop aggressive stance attack range doubled
- Ruins and other structures can be attacked
- Game loads in the proper resolution
- Units no longer change stance when moved
- Multiplayer sync problems reduced
- War Mission 11 no longer crashes when a Trebuchet is commanded to fire at a tower
- Blood and sparks no longer appear attached to troops
- Trees now sway in the wind
Patch 1.7.25308 (released 2011-12-23):
- New Historical Siege maps - Dunnottar, Castillo de Coca
- New Deathmatch Multiplayer maps - Deadwood (4p), The Dead Shore (2p)
- Games can be loaded with a double-click
- Multiplayer - added lord model selection (Lady Catherine, The Jackal, Bishop Redham, Earl Swinefoot, The Rat, The Wolf)
- Multiplayer - added difficulty levels and starting gold settings
- Multiplayer - advanced settings are visible to all players
- Added body fall and thud sounds for troops
- Added a selection of group troop responses
- Added army screams for group attack
- Sounds added to Harpoon Launcher and Burning Logs
- Troop formations containing different units move at the same speed
- Worker peasants fight back against hostile units and animals
- Wolf damage and health reduced
- War Mission 10 estate can be captured properly
- ES & DE localisations appear correctly
Patch 1.7.25411 (released 2012-01-06):
- Added building rotation hotkey ("Shift" or "Ctrl" + Q/E)
- Some building footprints reduced
- Fletchers no longer craft bows in the stockpile
- Closing a gatehouse when troops are inside no longer causes a crash
- Wall sections no longer disappear after loading a save
- Campaign continues properly after loading a save
- Troops no longer fall through Stone Bridges
Patch 1.8.28566 (released 2012-01-27):
- Added Patrol option between two points
- Added assembly points for Barracks units
- Formation troops move at uniform speed upon single right-click, and varied speed upon double right-click
- Wall system reworked (mostly to prevent small leftover wall chunks after deleting them)
- Worker peasants fight back against hostile units and animals
- Wolf damage and health reduced
- Sync issues related to mounted Knights, walls and multiplayer lord model pick fixed
- ES & DE localisations appear correctly
- Walls no longer cause attachments to disappear
- Woodcutters no longer get stuck in the Stockpile
- Troop stance is no longer randomly changed to aggressive
- War Mission 14 - units no longer get stuck around walls
- War Mission 15 - the Lord no longer respawns after loading a save
- Freelook - rendering is done properly with projectiles
- Freelook - troops are no longer invincible
- Objects embedded in walls appear at the correct height
- Boiling oil no longer harms friendly troops on gates
- Audio is no longer cutting when troops attack walls
- Tower equipment can no longer attack during Multiplayer peace time
- Previously completed missions properly appear unlocked in the mission selection menu, after loading a save
Patch 1.9.26498 (released 2012-03-01):
- Added automatic Multiplayer resync
- Added 10-second refresh to Multiplayer lobby
- Removed autosave from Multiplayer games
- Formation troops move at uniform speed upon single right-click, and varied speed upon double right-click
- Added "Toggle All Production" button to the Keep
- Pressing Shift increases traded good quantity
- Attack-Move added (hold Ctrl while moving a selection)
- "Texture Quality" added to settings
- User Map selection shows objectives and descriptions
- Re-orderings and initial consumption setting tweaks for Church & Inn
- Traded goods value in gold is shown in the trade panel
- Added F1 to open Freebuild settings panel
- Multiplayer - starting resource limits increased
- Multiplayer - Ladderman added (works just like in SH2 and SHL)
- Multiplayer - Siege Tower added (works just like in SHL)
- Multiplayer - enemy estates can no longer be pathed to during peace time
- Multiplayer - building limit set to 100
- Burning Carts no longer attack or affect stone buildings
- Knight movespeed is set normally after a horse is killed
- Fraction for goods sold no longer appears, when there is less than 1 in stock
- Fixed skybox for Freelook mode
Patch 1.10.27781 (released 2012-05-12):
- Added automatic Multiplayer resync
- Added rally points to the Siege Camp
- Added Coronation Mode to Multiplayer - starting off at lowest rank, the first player reaching Emperor wins; keeps are upgradable
- Added VSync to settings
- Added fullscreen/windows mode to settings
- Camera tilt removed from zooming out
- Added CTF-specific messages, notifications and minimap icons
- Gameplay speed is displayed on the interface
- Gameplay speed additional toggle via I/O added
- Mouse cursor is locked to the window when SH3 is active
- Saved games can be deleted from the "Load Game" screen
- Message log history increased and can be viewed by scrolling
- Peasant movement speed increased by 2/3
- Added autobuy + autosell feature for Market
- Market is no longer required for trade
- Immigration rates increased (higher for Multiplayer)
- Farms production rate increased by 25%
- Bread production rate increased by 40%
- Vegetable Garden production rate and delivery rate increased by 50%
- Man-at-arms always walks
- Maceman, Armed Peasant, Monk always runs
- Pikeman movement speed slightly increased
- Ranged troops can attack troops behind walls
- Scripts are called four times less often
- Actor skins are pooled rather than always recreated
- Sound memory usage optimised
- Control groups properly persist through saves
- Ox tethers no longer break the Keep's 'toggle all production' functionality
- Storage buildings no longer open their panel upon placement
- Units no longer get deselected while operating the GUI
- Chat is disabled in single-player
- Second health bar draws correctly (after positive Fear Factor)
- FR & DE keyboard fixes
- Audio fixes when the Lord is part of a selection with other troops present
- Added and reformatted tooltips for troops and buildings
- The hotkey "L" properly selects the Lord
- Village estates no longer contribute to the building limit
- Honor is properly calculated in the end-game stats
- Trebuchet, Battering Ram and Burning Cart can stop properly