Game Ranks

  • Stronghold Legends Overview
  • 2 mins

By Asophix

Much like in Stronghold 2, the rank system is also used in Stronghold Legends Multiplayer games. Every player starts off at a certain rank, which can be increased by acquiring and paying enough Honor. New ranks gradually open up new buildings and troops to be available, eventually getting you an edge if surpassing your opponents in rank.

Your current rank is displayed in the top left, denoted by a yellow star and a number. Clicking on it shows a panel in the bottom, indicating your stand and allowing you to promote by clicking the "Promote" button, should you have enough Honor. In case you haven't, the button will be inactive and hovering over it will display the Honor needed for the next rank. When you click "Promote", the amount of Honor will be deducted and you can access the new tech level.

Below are the ranks in Stronghold Legends, along with the different buildings and units that become available when you become that rank. You can promote yourself when you get the amount of honour next to the rank in the table below. Rank applies to all scenario types in the game.

Rank Honour Needed New Buildings New Units
Village Idiot 0 Hovel, Granary, Orchard, Dairy Farm, Seal Hole, Chicken Farm, Stockpile, Wood Camp None
Serf 10 Pantry, Vegetable Garden, Pig Farm, Vineyard, Eel Pond, Quarry, Ox Tether None
Squire 15 Wheat Farm, Mill, Bakery, Iron Mine None
Knight 30 Walls, Stairs, Gatehouse, Barracks, Armoury, Siege Camp, Poleturner's Workshop, Fletcher's Workshop Man-at-arms, Archer, Ladderman
Royal Champion 50 Basic Tower, Engineer's Guild, Church, Chandler's Workshop, Armourer's Workshop, Well, Round Table, Ice Tower, Sorcerer's Tower Pikeman, Sir Lancelot, White Wolf, Hellhound
Baron 100 Lookout Tower, Pitch Ditch, Tower Mangonel, Brazier, Pitch Rig, Tanner's Workshop, Man Trap, Carter's Post, Statue Crossbowman, Sir Galahad, White Witch, Giant Demonic Bat, Siege Tower, Burning Cart, Mantlet
Earl 150 Engine Tower, Blacksmith's Workshop, Ice Tunnel Swordsman, Sir Gawain, Sir Gareth, Shield Maiden, Polar Bear, Werewolf, Saxon Warrior, Battering Ram, Werewolf Launcher
Duke 200 Burning Logs, Hops Farm, Brewery, Inn Maceman, Merlin, Ice Queen, Sorcerer, Catapult, Stake Hurler
Prince 250 Killing Pit, Dragon Harpoon Sir Bedivere, Sir Percival, Frost Giant, Dwarf, Demon, Vampiric Creeper, Cat, Fire Ballista
King 300 Oil Tipper, Fire Drake, Ice Mirror, Moat Knight, Green Dragon, Ice Dragon, Black Dragon, Trebuchet, Enchanted Orb