The healer in the Apothecary can heal the Lord if wounded during battle, but in addition to this, he can also heal your peasants during times of plague, or when enemies try to catapult animal corpses into your castle.
Cost: 20 Wood, 200 gold
A Water Pot is essentially a larger version of a Well. The only difference is that Water Pots are manned by three well boys instead of one, and Water Pots only fill up from Wells, i.e. they have no water supply of their own. They are extremely efficient at putting out nearby fires.
Cost: 60
Resource: Wood
Wells are constructed to ensure that if a fire breaks out in your castle, that your buildings will not be destroyed by it. Wells are manned by a single well boy who wikk rush over to any nearby fires and put them out with water from the Well.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
The Gong Farmer will clear up a pile of Gong and dispose of it in the Gong Pit. Since Gong automatically decreases your popularity, this is a vital and necessary part of your castle unless you are playing a custom map and gong has specifically been turned off.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
The Falconer rids rats from your Estate. Since rats automatically decrease your popularity level, this is both a vital and necessary task unless rat production has specifically been turned off on a custom map.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
A courthouse serves two functions and is categorised accordingly: firstly, a dungeon where criminals are kept awaitng trial, and secondly a court room, where they are tried by a Judge (who always finds them guilty). Once their trial is over, they will be taken to one of the various rehabilitation methods. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 25
Resource: Stone
All Criminals will attempt to steal food from your Granary and you will need a way of preventing this. Guard Posts allow you to catch any criminals in the nearby vicinity and the Guard will take the criminal to the Dungeon awaiting trial. Guard Posts will also alow you to uncover nearby enemy Thieves as well, however this is only applicable during multiplayer games as no AI Lord uses Thieves.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
The Torturer's Guild is required when using some of the rehabilitation methods. These include the Gallows, Burning Post, Torture Wheel, Flogging Post, Branding Chair, Stretching Rack and Executioner's Block. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 100 gold
The Gallows is a rehabilitation device that is the second fastest way to rehabilitate criminals, with only the Executioner's Block being faster. A Torturer is required to operate this. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 300 gold
A Burning Post is a rehabilitation device that will set a criminal on fire, and is the third quickest rehabilitation method. A Torturer is required to operate this. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 200
Resource: Wood
The Executioner's Block is a rehabilitation device for Criminals. One way of certainly making sure that criminals don't cause any trouble is to have them executed. Since you must wait for criminals to be rehabilitated before their jobs are re-taken, this is the ideal method because this is the quickest rehabilitation method possible. A torturer is needed to operate this. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 250 gold
A Gibbet is a rehabilitation device that is the second quickest way of dealing with criminals when you don't have torturers available in your Castle. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 20 gold
A Stretching Rack is a rehabilitation device that stretches criminals, and is the fourth fastest way of rehabilitation. A torturer is needed to operate this. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 120 gold
The Stocks are the slowest rehabilitation method in the game. Though you will receive a lot of Honour, it will slow resource production down greatly from the building where the criminal is from. No Torturer is required. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 5 gold
A Flogging Post is a rehabilitation device where criminals are hung from and beaten. This is quicker than the Humiliation Mask, but not as quick as the Branding Chair. A Torturer is required for this device. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 80 gold
The Torture Wheel is a rehabilitation device that is quicker than the Branding Chair, but not as quick as the Stretching Rack. A torturer is required to operate this device. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 50 gold
The Humiliation Mask is a rehabilitation device that will strap a Donkey mask to a Criminal's face. It is however the third slowest, next to the Stocks and Gibbet. No Torturer is required to operate this. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 10 gold
The Branding Chair is a rehabilitation device that stabs Criminals with a hot poker. This is quicker than the Flogging Post, but not as fast as the Torture Wheel. A Torturer is needed to operate this device. Please see this article for a comprehensive overview on dealing with crime.
Cost: 10 Wood, 150 gold