Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Stronghold 3 Information
  • 2 mins

By Lord_Chris

This is a list of all the working keyboard shortcuts in Stronghold 3. There may be more, however only these are proved to work.

Shortcut Explanation
P Pauses the game.
Esc Brings up the in-game menu.
W, S, A, D Allows you to scroll around the map as you would do with the mouse. You may also do this with the arrow keys.
R or F, + or - Allows you to zoom in or out of a map.
Q, E Allows you to rotate the map.
Hold SHIFT + Q, E Allows you to rotate Buildings.
Hold CTRL + Q, E Allows you to rotate a building 45 degrees.
Spacebar This will put the game in architect view. You can return to the normal view by pressing the spacebar again.
F1 This will bring up the freebuild panel.
TAB This will bring up the interface panel.
, Hides the top interface menu bar.
. This will hide the build panel in the interface menu.
INSERT, F12 This will take a screenshot of the current window. Screenshots are located in the C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\userdata\(the longest directory)\(a numbered directory)\remote\(another numbered directory)\screenshots\
+ or - This will speed up or slow down the game while no buildings are selected.
K This will select the keep. By pressing this key a second time, your screen will center on the keep.
H This selects the stockpile. You can center on the stockpile by pressing the key for a second time.
G This will select the granary. By pressing the key for a second time, you can center on it.
B This will select the barracks. You can center on the barracks by pressing the key for a second time
J This will select the Armoury. You can center on the armoury by seletcing the key for a second time
Esc Brings up the in-game menu.
M This will select the market. You can center on the market by pressing the key for a second time.
V This will select a siege camp, is one is present on the map. You can center o the siege camp by pressingit for a second time.
N This will show you any game notifications such as enemy attacks.
Hold down CTRL when placing wall This will allow you to place wall that joins on to the previous part
L This will allow you to locate your lord.
SHIFT + L This will cycle through all opponents in the game.
Hold CTRL when selecting a destination for troops Your troops will attack any enemies on the way to their location.
CTRL and 0-9 To do this, you must have some units selected. By pressing Control and a number between 0 and 9, you will group the troops selected in that number group. You can change the group by simply doing this again.
CTRL + ALT and 0-9 This will keep a record of that position on the map. You can press the same combination of keys at any time in the same game to return to that spot.
Z This will select the stone curtain wall.
X This will select stone wall
C This will select wooden wall to place
Enter (multiplayer only) This will allow you to talk with your opponents. You press enter again to send your message.