The Stockpile is where all your industrial resources are stored in the game. The only resources which are not stored in the Stockpile are food, gold, honour and weapons. Left clicking on the Stockpile will show you the amount of different resources currently available in your castle, and if you have a market built, you can also buy/sell these resources (assuming you have permission to do so on your map). When your Stockpile is full, you can build another one, and up to 3 total Stockpiles can be placed in the game, however they must be placed nearby the original Stockpile.
Units can also walk through your Stockpile as well, and ranged units can also fire through the Stockpile at enemy units on the other side. You can use this to your advantage when defending your castle, or attacking an enemy one.
Cost: 0
Resource: N/A
Saw Pits are your standard buildings for cutting down trees to use on your map. One Woodcutter is responsible for each saw pit and the Woodcutter will use his cart to journey out to the trees- assuming he can find any. He will then proceed to chop one down, and take one piece of wood back to his pit where he will use his saw to cut it up further. At this point, he will take the wood to the Stockpile, which can then be used in your Castle.
Cost: 3
Resource: Wood
A Stone Quarry must be placed on Stone and cannot be placed anywhere else on the map. Once placed, three miners will arrive, who will produce stone for your castle. Using an Ox Tether system, this stone is then taken to the Stockpile. Stone is used for many buildings, but its primary function is for walls, Gatehouses and Towers in your Castle.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
An Iron Mins is responsible for mining Iron in your Castle. Iron is used to create various weapons in your Castle, such as Swords or Steel Armour. Iron is transported to the Stockpile using an Ox Tether system placed nearby your Iron Mine.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
Oxen are used to transfer Stone and Iron to the Stockpile from nearby Stone Quarries and Iron Mines. Since Oxen can transfer both of these resources, if your Stone and Iron are near each other on the map, you will generally find that Oxen will deliver both resources to the Stockpile. It's a good idea to place several of these next to each group of mines or quarries however, as resources are often produced faster than Oxen can transfer them to the Stockpile.
Cost: 5
Resource: Wood
A Shepard herds his Sheep and take their wool to the Stockpile for Weavers to use. If you're tired of your livestock running around the map, you may want to try our animal compounds tutorial.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
The Poleturner will take wood from the Stockpile, and produce either Spears or Pikes for your Castle. Once produced, he will transfer them to the Armoury after which you may use them to recruit troops in your Castle. You can choose which weapon you would like to produce by selecting the Poleturner's Workshop and clicking on either the Pike or Spear icon. By default, all Poleturner Workshops will produce Spears.
Cost: 10 Wood, 100 gold
The Fletcher takes wood from the Stockpile and produces either bows or crossbows for your Castle. Once produced, he will transfer them to the Armoury after which you may use them to recruit troops in your Castle. You can choose which weapon you would like to produce by selecting the Fletcher's Workshop and clicking on either the Bow or Crossbow icon. By default, all Fletcher Workshops will produce Bows.
Cost: 20 Wood, 100 gold
Resource: Wood
The Blacksmith takes Iron from the Stockpile and produces either Sowrds or Maces for your Castle. Once produced, he will transfer them to the Armoury after which you may use them to recruit troops in your Castle. You can choose which weapon you would like to produce by selecting the Blacksmith's Workshop and clicking on either the Sword or Mace icon. By default, all Blacksmith Workshops will produce Swords.
Cost: 20 Wood, 200 gold
The Tanner collects a cow from the Dairy Farm, and creates Leather Armour from its cowhides. She then stores the Leather Armour in the Armoury, where it can be used to recruit either Crossbowmen or Macemen. For this building to function, you must have at least 1 Dairy Farm placed in your castle.
Cost: 10 Wood, 100 gold
The Armourer creates Steel Armour from Iron in the Stockpile. He will then take it to the Armoury where it can be used to recruit armoured units such as Pikemen, Swordsmen or Knights.
Cost: 20 Wood, 100 gold
Pitch is an extremely useful resource because it allows you to cause devastating damage to enemy units from your castle walls if you light up your pitch ditches during an attack. Even if you don't use it, Pitch is an extremely valuable resource because it sells for a very high price. Pitch is extracted from marshland using Pitch Rigs, and then taken to the Stockpile. Once there, it can also be used for boiling oil as well as pitch ditches. Unfortunately marshland is rare on most maps and you are therefore confined simply to buying pitch if you would like to use it for your castle defence.
Cost: 20
Resource: Wood
Carter Posts allow you to transfer goods beyond your own estates, to any friendly estate on the map. You cannot deliver goods to an enemy estate. Using Carter Posts to transfer is the standard way of transferring goods beyond your own borders in Kingmaker or Multiplayer. Left clicking on the Carter Post brings up a menu that allows you to select which goods to send to an estate. Once you have selected which goods to send, choose the amount of the goods, and whether this is a single one-off shipment, or a continuous shipment to that estate. Continuous shipments will continue in perpetuity unless stopped, or an ally loses control of that estate to an enemy (assuming it is a village estate). You can stop a shipment at any time by selecting your Carter Post and clicking on the "Stop" button.
Also note that Carter Posts will automatically deliver goods to your castle from any neutral village estates that you currently own on the map. You can change the goods sent to your own estate in the same way by simply selecting the Carter Post and changing the goods type.
Cost: 10
Resource: Wood
To make Candles, you must have a Bee Hive placed on your map, as this generates beeswax. This is collected by the Chandler from the Chandler's Workshop, and he creates Candles out of the beeswax.
Cost: 5
Resource: Wood
Chandlers collect beeswax from the Bee Hive, and create Candles out of them. This is then taken back to the Stockpile by the Chandler, who returns to create more. Candles are used by the Church during mass services, and increase the popularity of your Castle.
Cost: 10
Resource: Wood
The Weaver takes wool from the Stockpile, and creates cloth out of it. The Cloth is then taken back to the Stockpile again, until one of the pages from the Lord's Kitchen takes it to the Bedchamber. The Lady of the Castle will then weave the cloth into dresses, and once four dresses have been made a dance will be held in the Keep raising a large amount of Honour for your Castle.
Cost: 10
Resource: Wood
Placing a Market in your Castle will allow you to buy or sell any resources available to you in the game. If you are playing a custom map, you can configure which resources can be bought or sold from the map editor. Left clicking on the Market will bring up the selection screen, allowing you to choose which specific goods to buy/sell. You can change the category by clicking on a new one from the left side of the menu. After doing so, you can select whether to buy or sell the resource, and the amount you have will automatically be adjusted.
Once a Market has been placed, you can also sell resources directly from your Stockpile, Granary, Armoury or Lord's Kitchen as well. Simply select a resource from the relevant building, and you will be able to buy/sell goods in the same way.
Cost: 0
Resource: N/A