Stronghold 2 Farms & Food Buildings



The Granary stores all of the food of the Castle. You can see the amount of food available by left clicking on it. To alter the amount of food, click on the left or right arrow whilst the granary is selected. The Granary will also have an impact on popularity and honour as well. If you click on the left arrow, it will decrease the food rations which will also decrease the popularity of your Castle.

If the click on the right one, it will have the reverse effect. You can also see which types of food there are available by clicking on the smaller arrow on the right, which will also provide an overview of the Honour multiplier currently in effect and the amount of Honour which you are receiving.

Cost: 0

Resource: N/A

Lord's Kitchen

Feasts are prepared and stored in the Lord's Kitchen before beinf transported to the Keep while a feast is being held. Farmers from the Vegetable Garden, Pig Farm, Vintner's Workshop and Eel Pond will leave their food in the Lord's Kitchen. Feasts bring lots of honour to the Castle depending on how much food is consumed.

Cost: 10

Resource: Stone

Hunter's Post

The Hunter will hunt any nearby animals, including rabbits, birds or pheasants. His dog will then return them to the Granary with the meat caught.

Cost: 5

Resource: Wood

Apple Farm

Apples are produced here by a Farmer, who takes them to the Granary to increase the food level. Apple Farms are relatively cheap and are incredibly effective at establishing a reliable food supply once they get started.

Cost: 5

Resource: Wood

Dairy Farm

The Dairy Farm serves two primary functions: firstly, it produces Cheese which is taken to the Granary to feed your population. Secondly, if you have a Tanner's Workshop placed, the Tanner will collect Cows and take them to her Workshop, creating Leather Armour out of them. This type of Armour is required for Macemen and Crossbowmen.

Cost: 10

Resource: Wood

Wheat Farm

To produce Bread you must have three different buildings placed. Firstly a Wheat Farm, secondly a Mill, and thirdly a Bakery. The Wheat Farm produces Wheat which is then taken from the Stockpile. Note that Wheat Farms must be placed on the valley floor (i.e. minimal terrain height).

Cost: 15

Resource: Wood


To produce Bread you must have three different buildings placed. Firstly a Wheat Farm, secondly a Mill, and thirdly a Bakery. Mill boys take Wheat from the Stockpile to the Mill, where it is turned into Flour. They then take it back to the Stockpile again.

Cost: 20

Resource: Wood


To produce Bread you must have three different buildings placed. Firstly a Wheat Farm, secondly a Mill, and thirdly a Bakery. Flour from the Stockpile is brought to the Bakery by the Baker where it is turned into Bread before being taken to the Granary.

Cost: 20

Resource: Wood

Vegetable Garden

Vegetables are grown here where they are taken to the Lord's Kitchen. These are then used for feasts.

Cost: 20

Resource: Wood

Eel Pond

Eels are caught here where they are taken to the Lord's Kitchen for feasting. Geese are also taken to the Lord's Kitchen from the Eel Pond.

Cost: 10 Wood, 100 gold

Pig Farm

Pigs are bred here and are taken to the Lord's Kitchen for feasting.

Cost: 20

Resource: Wood


Grapes are grown at the Vineyard, which are then delivered to the Stockpile and used to make wine.

Cost: 20

Resource: Wood

Vintner's Workshop

The Vintner takes Grapes from the Stockpile, turns them into wine, and stores it in the Lord's Kitchen ready for feasting.

Cost: 10

Resource: Wood

Hops Farm

Hops are produced here, which are needed to make Ale. Once the Hops have been produced, they are taken to the Stockpile.

Cost: 15

Resource: Wood


The Brewer takes Hops from the Stockpile and turns them into Ale for the Inn to use to increase popularity.

Cost: 10

Resource: Wood


The Inn is useful to boost popularity within your Castle. However, it cannot be used without a supply of ale which is created through the Hops Farm and Brewery. You must have both of these buildings placed in your castle in order to create a steady supply of ale.

You can also control the ale rations of your Castle by selecting the Inn and decreasing or increasing the amount provided. Decreasing the rations will not have a negative effect on your popularity, however you can have a positive effect by increasing rations.

Cost: 100

Resource: Wood