Lord Brukner stood there looking for the best place for the keep, his small group had been chased to this point by Sir Robert, the old castle now in ruins, time to build a new castle, their run was lite and got them well ahead of Sir Robert and his slow moving troops.
There was nowhere to run, the old dock area was run down and no boats to jump into, more sea on the west side and if that wasn't trouble enough, bandits were holed up on the east side of the valley, they even had to fight them to get this far.
The land here was good farmland and enough wood to build their new village, there was even a small stone quarry close by, the bear cave would have to be dealt with soon or the few peasants they had wouldn't be able to supply enough food not to mention the bandits will likely be coming around to cause some trouble, hopefully the last of our troops will show up in time to help.
So Lord Brukner and his small group built a keep and settled in. The rest of the story is up to you the player, build your castle and don't forget that Sir Robert is still coming for your head.
This is the first map I've made for SH3, it's an accumulation of learning how the editor and the script works, giving us this map to play with, there are a few things not available, iron mines or pitch rigs, no stone walls or towers, you can make 2 goods and buy 1 for crowns. Your goal for the win is to achieve 90 popularity, and all of the goods are available for this. You can cheat on popularity but that just means you won't get to enjoy the map.
Happy Gaming!
File originally posted by @Lord Vetka at Stronghold Heaven
Well, how did this old dog get up here.
Thanks for posting my map Lord_Chris.
It's just a simple map I made after playing around with the editor, most people didn't like the win condition, the people that played through to the win were rewarded with a fun game.
I will be working on more maps for SH3 in the near future, so keep your eyes open for new maps.
I can't promise anything, but if you would like to see a certain type of scenario made, give me an idea.
Happy Gaming!