Detchu River
When you get to the keep you will have to build fast and with purpose, your enemy is not going to wait around, he will be invading with an agenda clearly laided out to remove you.
Checking the ques you find them lacking in anything of real value, the ale will be the most important, taxes will see you through to the end, your limited troops will take most of the taxes if you want to win.
Then you will see that no moats or walls will save you, only a good amount of strategy will get you past the repeating invasions, as they come up to the keep from both sides of the river you will have a short time to move your troops into position.
I have won this map, then went back and made a few changes to my strategy and could not win, then went back to my original strategy and have not won since. So I think it might be just about right for the power players on my list!!!
That would be the text I sent to my power players who tested this very hard version, lucky for you, I could not win this one so I toned it down by quite a bit for you and me and the rest of us so so players!
If you manage to win this and want to try the VH version, just let me know and I can send it over.
By Lord Vetka