This beautiful ocean bay offers best conditions for a great kingdom. The land itself has a momentous flora and fauna.
Made by Micha!
Nice map Micha!, a lot of little touches that complete the map, the mine setup looks real good, nice job on the ship and dock, I liked the way you added terrain to the sea giving the bottom a natural look, those touches make a big difference.
Your mountain is good, I like the extras you added up there as well, using the dock for little bridges, nice one, where is the water coming from?
Good work, keep them coming!
Thank you :)
Yes, I thought about the water and it comes out of the mountain. It's maybe not this realistic but I didn't want to add snow texture^^
I actually like the way the water is coming out of the mountain. It's something I've tried and have been unable to accomplish convincingly.
This version looks like there is a small hole in the mountain which allows the water to come out of, like the water eroded the mountain, I don't think it could look much better.
I like the water to, just saying, the way it comes out of the mountain then flows down in steps does look very good, nice touch.