This is an 8 player map with 3 sites on the East side of the river, one of the sites is quite protected and the other two have a crossing to them, the map is meant for 3x5 online play.
I hope you enjoy this map!
By Lord Vetka
Note: This map was created with Stronghold Crusader Extreme.
Another great map created by Lord Vetka that deserves all high scores!
It is well described - there is no story though, but we don't need one right now.
It is playable, I tried it - whichever position you pick you will have more than enough space to build your castle, and which is also great - AI lords have just enough space to build large castles without their castles colliding.
Landscape is great - just as usual in Vetka's maps. I especially like those marches, and the western hill. Also river crossing are nicely done.
I'm giving 5 for creativity as well - great idea for the map!
Thank You EaglePrince, I'm glad you like the map, it is inspired by you to be a 3x5 map, and the game we just played says it is a good map for 3x5, what a lot of fun!
I will have to see why the AI in the SW corner has troubles, I might have to move the keep a few squares for him to work better.
The map is made with giving lots of resources in mind, and the AI did put them to use, I will be looking forward to playing this map again.