Fallen Lands is a 5 player Kingmaker map with a variety of different villages to choose from. The terrains theme is messy (good messy) to make the map look as if the lands have been trampled on, blood spilt, fallen castles have all been part of an earlier time of the map. The name "Fallen Lands" is because of all this.
Each territory has it's advantages to defending and it's disadvantages to defending. Where one territory may be very large, the smaller territory may make up for it by the high grounds to use to it's advantages.
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3
Screen 4
Screen 5
Screen 6
I'd thank you all if you could at least try the map, let me know what you think, and give me feedback on what you like and how I could improve it.
The keeps being placed by default stop the AI from behaving correctly, you should just place a castle marker instead.
[Edited by Lord_Chris on 31st Aug 2014 15:44:38]
Thank you for pointing that out Lord_Chris. Map has been updated, AI kingmaker should work.
The archive has been updated?
Yes, although the minimap is the same. As there is no massive difference.
Nice map!