Triggers And Events Overview

  • Stronghold 2 Scenario Design
  • 13 mins

By Lord_Chris

The editor of Stronghold 2 has many features about it that help to create a map easily. Below is the full list of triggers and events from Stronghold 2 which are present in the editor.

Firstly, you should go to the main editor menu shown below. Make sure that the scenario type is not Kingmaker as you will get the message "No missions available in Kingmaker mode". You will also get this message if your Scenario Type is Free Build. However, the only difference between these two is that with Free Build you can set starting goods for the player in that space instead. By default, one mission is added to the list of missions.

You can add or remove missions by clicking the appropriate button below the mission box. If you don't select a mission, by default the mission on the top will be what you edit/remove. Select the mission you want be left clicking, then click the "Edit Mission" button. You will now find yourself at this screen below. This is actually a very easy editor when you get used to it, and MUCH easier than the Empires Dawn of The Modern World one!

You will see one default event added, which is shown below.

This is the trigger for you losing (by default). You can remove or change this trigger by clicking the trigger and then the appropriate button above. A trigger will set off an action, and the action is the thing that happens. For example, your lord dying would trigger the action of you losing the game. I will show you all of the Triggers below.

Trigger Explanation
Always Sets an action to always, so it will start from the beginning of the game but only trigger once.
Goods Acquired The player acquires a certain amount of goods. This can be any type of game resource and you can set it for multiple resources.
Gold Acquired Triggers when a certain amount of Gold has been acquired by the player.
Honour Acquired A certain amount of Honour has been acquired by the player.
No Food In A Granary No food is in a granary at Invasion Marker "x". You must place an Invasion Marker next to the Granary.
No Gong In Your Estates No gong is in any of your Estates. Only applicable if you haven't disabled Gong Production
No Rats In Your Estates No rats are currently in any of your Estates. Only applicable if you haven't disabled Rat Production.
No Criminals In Your Estates No Criminals are present in your Estate. Only applicable if you haven't disabled Criminal Production.
Enemy Goods Acquired An enemy acquires a certain amount of goods. Again, they can acquire several goods and they can be any game resource. You can select the enemy you want to acquire these goods in the same screen.
Enemy Gold Acquired An enemy acquires a certain amount of Gold. Again, you can select the enemy you want to acquire these goods in the same screen.
Enemy Honour Acquired An enemy acquires a certain amount of Honour. You can also select the enemy you want to acquire these goods in the same screen.
Attain Population You get a population of "X". If you have more than one Win Condition for a mission, then you must hold this as a minimum population until all you other objectives have been completed as well.
No People Left You have no peasants left on the map.
No Enemy on Map There is no enemy (including enemy civilians) present on the map, even when there could be invasions still to come. You would have to annihilate all enemy on the map (from all enemies) for this to trigger.
No Enemy Troops on Map There are no enemy soldiers present on the map, even when there could be invasions still to come. You would have to annihilate all enemy soldiers on the map (from all enemies) for this to trigger.
No Enemy or Invasions Left There are no enemy soldiers or civilians left on the map, however, it also only triggers when all of the invasions have been used up.
All Your Troops Dead All of your troops (not including The Lord) have died in your army, not including any Allies you have.
Percent of Troops Lost A certain amount of player "x"'s troops die. You can set who this applies to in the same screen.
Recruit Archers You recruit "x" Archers.
Your Lord Dies This is the default trigger. It will trigger if your Lord dies.
Lord Damaged Useful if you want to specify a Lord to be damaged only "x"%. This applies to any lord you choose (in the same menu).
All the enemy lords are dead All enemy lords on the map are dead.
Enemy Lord Dead A Specific enemy lord dies.
Rescue Lord You reach a certain AI Lord.
Multiple Lords Dead Multiple AI Lords are killed (by any player).
Player Kills Lord X The player (you) kills a certain AI.
Other Lord Kills Lord X Any other player kills a certain Lord except the player (you).
Lord X Kills Lord Y One specific Lord kills another specific one. It will only work if the first lord kills the second, and not in the reverse order.
Destroy Outlaw Camp When you destroy the Outlaw Camp. This is only applicable if an Outlaw Camp is placed on the map.
Breach Enemy's Castle Walls You get on top of, or create a hole in the enemy walls for troops to get inside a specific enemies' Castle.
Get Troops onto Enemies Walls You get troops on top of a specific enemies' Castle Walls.
Get Some Troops Close to Enemy Lord You get a few troops close to a specific lord.
Get Many Troops Close to Enemy Lord You get a lot of troops close to a specific lord.
Lift Siege You stop a specific Lord from being sieged by another one.
Enemies are near a marker Any unit from any enemy lord is near a specific Invasion Marker on the map.
Current Quest Status Quest A, B & C are either completed or uncomplete. Only applicable if you have quests set.
Current Not Complete Quest A, B or C are uncomplete. Only applicable if you have quests set.
Number of Quests complete You can specify a number of quests to be complete, and it does not matter whether they are A, B or C providing that number are completed. Only applicable if you have quests set.
Quest Failed You can specify a quest to be incomplete out of A, B and C. Only applicable if you have quests set.
After Briefing After a briefing that starts. This can only be used when you use the custom messages and briefings toolkit and add a custom briefing, or unlock a firefly-made map with the Map Unlocker.
No Messages Playing Again, this can only be used with the custom messages and briefings toolkit and a firefly-made map with the Map Unlocker. Unfortunately you can't add messages (yet!) but you can use the messages fom firefly-made ones. However, you can use custom messages such as the "Bad Weather", "Apple Blight" actions.etc
Building Site Complete This is when a building site is completed. If you have multiple building sites on the map, then all buildings sites will have to be completed first.
Building Site Percent Complete This is when a building site is "X%" complete. You can have multiple actions for building sites at different percentages
Control a number of Estates This is when the player (you) control "X" amount of Estates.
No Bears left on the Map This is when no bears are left on the map. Only applicable of bears are on the map at the beginning of the game.
No Wolves left on the Map This is when no wolves are left on the map. Only applicable of wolves are on the map at the start.

Now here is a list of all the actions from the game.

Action Explanation
Win You win the game. You can set a "Time until Victory" by setting an "Always win" condition and the amount of months you wish it to be before the player wins.
Lose You lose the game. You can set a "Time until defeat" by setting an "Always lose" condition and the amount of months you wish it to be before the player loses.
Invasion You can set an invasion here. You can set where the invasion comes from, whether the lord accompanies the army, whether it's a repeating invasion and what the invading army should do. For more information on invasions, please click here.
Stop Invasions You can shoose to stop invasions from a certain lord, and whether to stop all invasions or just repeating ones. It may take several months after this event has triggered for invasions to stop due to whether they have been already triggered.
Bear Attack You can specifiy where the bear attack will happen by Invasion Markers, and how many bears will attack there.
Create Criminals You can specify (in percent) how many criminals can be created. Only applicable if Criminal production is not disabled.
Wolf Invasion You can specify a wolf invasion here. The amount of wolves that attack, where they attack from (by Invasion Markers) and the target point of the invasion.
Set Wolves To Defensive This will set all the wolves to defensive on the map.
Bad Weather A message appears stating "Bad weather has ruined the crops my lord, our farms will be set back for some time.".
Wheat Disease The message "Wheat Rust has been found on our wheat crops, Sire. The crop is ruined." is played.
Apple Blight A message is played. "Apple Blight has stuck our orchards my lord, apple supplies are temporarily halted." (I know struck is spelt wrong, it is actually misspelt in the game if you look carefully)
Hop Weevil A message is played. "Hop weevil has decimated the crop My Liege, hop production is at a standstill."
Vine Rot A message is played. "Oh dear , Vine Wither has set in Sire, we will not be seeing any new deliveries of grapes for a while."
Swine Fever A message is played. "Swine fever has struck my lord, our pig herd has been wiped out."
Mad Cow Disease A message is played. "Our cows suffer terribly my lord , the madness disease is on them again."
Lost Sheep A message is played. "Ovine Amnesia has struck the Shepards Sire, once again they have lost their flocks."
Maintain Minimum Food Level Maintain a mimumim food level in the Granary.
Plauge of Rats Set rat invasions to appear in the player's Estate. Only applicable is Rat Production is not disabled.
Rat Invasion A rat invasion at a custom point on the map determind by an Invasion Marker.
Gong Infestation You can set the number of Gong Piles to appear, and where on the map, again, dictated by Invasion Markers.
Start Fires Start a custom number of Fires in the player's Estate.
Set All Buildings on Fire This will set all of your wooden buildings on fire.
Witchcraft A message is played. "A black cat has been sighted sire and once more our peasants mutter witchcraft, they are deeply troubled."
Peasants Revolt! Some peasants revolt, and a message is played. "Our peasants are inflicted with Foot Rot my lord. They are protesting and have gone on strike for a week."
Bumper Harvest A message is played. "The good weather has led to a bumper harvest my lord, we can soon expect to see our farmers delivering extra crops ."
Redirect Village Output Change the place Carters deliver goods from a specific village.
Stop Resource Production Stop procustion of certain resources in a specified Estate.
Cap Resources You can cap resources that players may receive during the game.
Give Resources You can choose to give resources to other players, or have other players give you certain resources.
Set Allies Set who your enemies are, allies and neutral AI.
Move Lord You can move a lord to point "X", and you have the option of making them leave the map.
Tae Enemy's Castle You can take a Castle belonging to an enemy.
Convert Estate To Village You can convert a Lord's Estate to a neutral village. However, the lord would no longer exist on the map.
Quest You can set Quest "X" complete. Only applicable if quests are set
Quest Failed Set the quest "X" as failed.
Enter Briefing Choose whether to enter to mission briefing. Unless you are using a firefly-made map, this is currently unusable.
Set Available Troop Types Choose which troops are available during the game in the appropriate Military building to be recruited.
Gong Production Chooses whether to enable Gong Production on the map and if so how high the level of gong should be.
Rat Production Whether to enable Rats on the map and if so how high the level of rats should be.
Frequency of Disease Whether to enable disease on the map — "A peasant is bad, sire". You can fix disease by building an Apothecary.
Crime Rate Whether to enable crime, and how high the level of crime is.
Outlaw Production Whether to enable outlaws being automatically being produced on the map. Only applicable if you have at least one Outlaw Camp placed on the map.
Wolf Spawn Rate Whether to enable wolves being created, and how high the creation level is.
Limit Weapon Production Choose which weapons can be made on the map from the available industry buildings.
Set Num of Campfire Weapons Set the amount of peasants around the campfire next to the stated Invasion Marker.
Building Sites Set the amount of active/inactive building sites.
Give Lord Full Peasants Gives a specific lord the maximum amount of maximum peasants around the campfire.
Kill off all Wolves Kills off all wolves currently on the map.
Kill Off All Lords Troops Kills off all a specific Lord's troops currently on the map.
Control Lords AI This will disable a lord for a period of time.
Control Gatehouses Control a certain amount of gatehouses next to a specific Invasion Marker. You can also set whether they are open or closed.
AI Troops Charge If Agressive Makes the AI troops from one specific lord charge if they are agressive.
AI Troop Retreat Makes the AI troops from one specific lord go to a certain Invasion Marker.
Pause Sieges Makes the sieges from one specific lord pause/continue near a certain Invasion Marker.
Make Troops Super Agressive Makes the troops from one specific lord agressive and moves them to a specific marker.
Set Rank This will set the player rank. You can view all the ranks in Stronghold 2 here.
Set Honour This will set the amount of honour the player has. For more information on honour, go here.
Give Honour This will give a certain amount of honour to you.
Give Gold This will give a certain amount of gold to you.
Move Ship This will move a ship across the map. For more information on Moving Ships, go here.
Time until final invasion This will set a time until the final invasion. Note: this will not set an invasion, only a time countdown until an invasion you must set.

You can download some simple scripted maps from our downloads section, along with more advanced ones made by some of our users.