Custom scenarios & freebuilds in Crusader Extreme
- Stronghold Crusader Scenario Design
- 2 mins
It is very possible to make custom scenarios and free build maps directly in Stronghold Crusader Extreme; this post will teach you how to both play and create scenarios for Stronghold Crusader Extreme (henceforth SCE or Extreme).*
* - This tutorial will focus on custom scenarios, but similiar instructions can be followed for Crusade Extreme.
Part I - Accessing the Custom Scenario Menu in SCE:
If you've already prepared your save file, you can skip to step 13.
- Open up Stronghold Crusader (not Extreme) and open the map editor.
- Create an invasion map and save it under the name "SCE_Custom".
- Place the keep and the granary on the map (anywhere's fine).
- Add the win event as having no objectives and put it to basically launch when the level starts (actually, there is a delay).
- Save your map.
- Load the map in Crusader and save it as soon as it loads as "autowin" then exit Crusader
- Save your castle builder save as "autobuild" to differentiate between the two
These steps apply to Windows (not sure for other OS's):
- Open your documents folder.
- Find Stronghold Crusader or something along those lines.
- Open the folder where your Crusader save files are stored.
- Right-cluck and press copy on the save you saved early (cut works too).
- Go up 1 folder and find the ExtremeSaves folder (or something along those lines).
- Paste the save into that folder. Your save file is now prepared (in other words, you don't have to do any of the steps from 1-10 again on your computer)
- Open SCE and load the "autowin" save.
- To speed things up for future times, keep saving the file under the name of "autowin" until you win.
- Wahoo! You are now in the SCE custom scenario selection area.
Note - I am not nor do I claim to be the original author of the above content. These instructions I found from Stronghold Haven by a forummer of the name of Heroesflorian. The next part I am the author of.
Part 2 - Creating Extreme Scenarios Directly in SCE:
If you try to skip ahead, you are BOUND to MESS up.
- Open up the SCE map editor (DO NOT PRESS CREATE MAP YET)
- Create a new map then press [ESC] on your keyboard.
If you already selected the map size before pressing [ESC], you should really follow directions and start back at step 2.
- Now, you can choose the type of map just like in Crusader!
- Then choose your map size.
Now some of you are going to think I'm lying, as it the top will read multiplayer. I promise you, I'm not.
- Go ahead and type your description.
- Press the key combination [ALT]+[,] (ALT + Comma).
- Press the single player tab.
- Hit escape.
- The top should read Untitled - Invasion or something along those lines, if it doesn't, start from step 2 again.
- The SCE scenario editor works like the Stronghold Crusader editor.
- The tatical aid bar is disabled in free-build and invasion scenarios in SCE as those would be just op.
- Outposts work as normal.
- When playing free build maps, your save should be a Crusader free build map, NOT an invasion map